Week 1
Group 8 Weekly Process
The design issues that we tackled this week involved site exploration and surrounding elements that could potentially have an effect on the future building such as noise, sunlight, drainage, wind etc. Also, bubble diagrams were made to document adjacencies for the site, as well as the spaces for the interior of the building. A precedent study was conducted in order to increase our knowledge on the elderly and examination of current health care centers that are in use today and how they work effectively. As a group we tackled the site plan together, and collaborated on general concept for the building and how it will be oriented with the campus of OCCC, and how it will be used by the public.
Goals we met:
Site Analysis
Conceptual forms
Bubble Diagrams
Precedent Study
Goals for the following week:
Choose a building form
3D sketches
Tackle parking/circulation issue
Organize CAD files of existing pool building
Make a decision on how to connect existing pool to new building
After review, our group has decided that the site will be challenging in the fact that the new building must unify the campus, but at the same time have a new and renovated design. Also, integrating different age groups onto one campus will be challenging. Drainage and parking will be two extremely important aspects to keep in mind when building on this site. The most crucial feature of the new building will be to incorporate the existing pool building and having ample handicapped parking. The team is taking the challenging site with enthusiasm and excitement.
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